B.C. NDP leading by 18 points, according to new provincial election poll
49% of voters support NDP, compared to 31% for the B.C. Liberals and 14% for the B.C. Greens

Three weeks into the provincial election campaign the B.C. NDP continues to hold a sizable lead of 18 points, according to the latest poll by the Angus Reid Institute.
Data shows John Horgan's NDP with 49 per cent support of the electorate, compared to Andrew Wilkinson's B.C. Liberals with 31 per cent, and Sonia Furstenau's B.C. Greens with 14 per cent.
In age and gender categories, the NDP leads across the board and enjoys especially strong support from women.
The party also holds the advantage in all regions of the province except for the Interior, where the Liberals have an 11 per cent lead with 46 per cent support compared to 35 per cent for the NDP.
On the issues front, the Liberals were judged to be best on the economy by 64 per cent of voters.
The NDP was favoured in COVID-19 response, health care and housing affordability.
On climate change and the environment, B.C. Greens came out on top with 72 per cent support.
Three out of five voters told pollsters the election is unnecessary and should have been held next year, including 28 per cent of those who support the NDP.
Only 40 per cent of respondents said they're absolutely certain which party they will ultimately support.
General voting day for the provincial election is Oct. 24.
The online poll used a representative randomized sample of 989 B.C. adults and has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points, 19 times out of 20.