B.C. firefighters head to Alberta and Ontario
Province says crews can be recalled at any moment if B.C. wildfire conditions get worse

About 200 B.C. firefighters and dozens of wildfire personnel are headed to Alberta and Ontario to help fire crews there, the provincial government announced Tuesday.
Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson said 98 firefighters will be deployed to help put out the wildfire near Fort McMurray and 100 firefighters will go to Thunder Bay to fight wildfires in northern Ontario.
"Now that the level of fire activity has decreased in B.C., I am pleased that we are able to increase our level of assistance to Alberta and to provide assistance to Ontario," Thomson said in a written statement.
"B.C. has benefited from the assistance of crews from both provinces during previous fire seasons."
Thomson said the crews can be deployed for up to 19 days but can be recalled at any time if wildfire conditions ramp up in B.C.
According to the province, the request for assistance came through the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.
Costs to transport and hire the workers will be paid for by the Alberta and Ontario provincial governments.