B.C. minimum wage now the lowest in Canada

As of today, British Columbia is now home to the lowest minimum wage in Canada at $10.45 an hour.
The province has announced plans to increase that rate, up to $10.75, but that won't occur until Sept. 1.
The B.C. Federation of Labour says even that 40-cent jump isn't enough.
"When workers are last in the country, in the most expensive province in the country, our government has to do something about that," said B.C. Federation of Labour President Irene Lanzinger.
A new poll released today by the same group says 83 per cent of people think it's necessary for a person on minimum wage to be above the poverty line. Three in four people polled also supported raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
"Generally there has been strong public support for the idea for people working full time, they shouldn't live in poverty and that number is going up," said Lanzinger.
New Brunswick previously had the lowest minimum wage in the country, but it jumped to $10.65 an hour effective today.
Nunavut has Canada's highest minimum wage at $13 an hour. Of the 10 provinces, Ontario's minimum wage is highest at $11.25 an hour.