B.C. NDP promises to increase student grant program to $4,000, create 2,000 tech spaces
New Democrat leader John Horgan says grant to allow middle-class, low-income students access to money

The NDP is promising to increase a British Columbia government student grant program up to $4,000 for eligible students to help them pay tuition, textbook and supply costs.
New Democrat Leader John Horgan says a re-elected NDP would also add 2,000 more technology spaces in post-secondary programs across B.C.
Horgan says the NDP will provide more details about its post-secondary education plans when it releases its election platform next week.
He says the grant program will be expanded to allow more middle-class and low-income students access to receive up to $4,000 each.
B.C. Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson is campaigning in Vancouver and says his party will release its election platform next week.
B.C. Greens Leader Sonia Furstenau is expected to announce her party's long-term care policy Thursday in Sidney.