B.C. NDP leader John Horgan refreshes shadow cabinet ahead of May election
Jodie Wickens, Coquitlam-Burke Mountain MLA, becomes critic for women and early childhood development

B.C.'s NDP leader John Horgan shuffled his shadow cabinet on Friday as the May provincial election nears. But the changes appear minor.
Lana Popham, MLA for Saanich South adds small business to her responsibilities for agriculture and food. Jane Shin, MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed previously held the role.
Meanwhile Maurine Karagianis, MLA for Esquimalt-Royal Roads, has been moved out of women and early childhood development in favour of Jodie Wickens, MLA for Coquitlam-Burke Mountain.
"Jodie Wickens is going to lead the charge on our plan to provide universal, affordable, quality child care for every family who wants it as we work towards $10-a-day child care," said Horgan in a release.
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Also taking on added responsibility is Coquitlam-Maillardville MLA Selina Robinson, who will now have responsibilities for mental health and addictions as part of her portfolio, along with local government, sport and seniors.
North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice will be the spokesperson for northern economic development, in addition to northern and rural health while Rob Fleming, MLA for Victoria-Swan Lake, expands his role to include universities and colleges, agriculture and foods.
Horgan announced the changes during a caucus planning session in Vancouver:
John Horgan - Leader, Official Opposition; Intergovernmental Relations-
Raj Chouhan - Assistant Deputy Speaker
Lana Popham - Agriculture & Food, Small Business
Adrian Dix - BC Hydro; ICBC
Nicholas Simons - Coastal Economic Development; CLBC
Shane Simpson - Economic Development; Jobs, Labour & Skills; WorkSafeBC
Doug Donaldson - Energy & Mines
George Heyman - Environment; Green Economy; Technology-
Carole James - Finance
Harry Bains - Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations; Human Rights
Doug Routley - Deputy Forests (Forest Futures); Citizen Services-
David Eby - Housing; Liquor; Gaming; Translink; BC Housing; BCLC
Mable Elmore - Immigration; Temporary Foreign Workers; Deputy Finance-
Katrine Conroy - Interior Economic Development; Columbia Power; Columbia Basin Trust; Columbia River Treaty
Bruce Ralston - Natural Gas Development; Trade; Multiculturalism; Softwood Lumber Agreement; Manufacturing; Oil & Gas Commission
Claire Trevena - Transportation; BC Ferries; BC Transit
Scott Fraser - Aboriginal Relations & Reconciliation
Spencer Chandra Herbert - Arts, Tourism & Culture; Film/TV; PAVCO; Destination BC
Melanie Mark - Children & Family Development
Gary Holman - Democratic Reform; Deputy Environment (Fisheries); Deputy BC Ferries
Rob Fleming - Education & Advanced Education
Jodie Wickens - Women, Early Childhood Development & Child Care
Judy Darcy - Health
Leonard Krog - Justice (Attorney General)
Mike Farnworth - Justice (Public Safety & Solicitor General)
Selina Robinson - Local Government & Sport; Seniors, Mental Health & Addictions
Jennifer Rice - Northern & Rural Health; Northern Economic Development
Michelle Mungall - Social Development