Thousands still without power after windstorm hits B.C.
BC Hydro says it could take several hours to repair all lines

BC Hydro is still working to restore power to 30,000 customers across B.C. after a powerful windstorm swept across the province Tuesday night.
Roughly 210,000 customers from Vancouver Island to the Kootenays lost power as winds forecast to hit to 90 km/h downed trees and power lines. The worst hit area was the Thompson-Shuswap where over 35,000 customers lost power.
In the Lower Mainland and the Sunshine Coast 15,000 customers were in the dark overnight and at least two sailboats either sank or washed ashore near Vancouver's Vanier park.

BC Hydro says crews are working to restore power to all areas but it could take several hours before all lines are repaired.
The blast of cold windy weather was also expected to leave a dusting of snow on some mountain highway passes, prompting Environment Canada to issue a special weather statement early Wednesday morning for the province's Southern Interior. Boaters and residents are also warned to expect strong, gusty winds on lakes.
.<a href="">@bchydro</a> says just under 35,000 customers w/o power in the Lower Mainland. <a href="">@VanFireRescue</a> dealing with a sparking wire on Dunbar. <a href="">#BCstorm</a> <a href=""></a>
A summary of last night's winds across the South Coast <a href="">#BCstorm</a> More details here: <a href=""></a> Standby for Interior winds <a href=""></a>