Breastfeeding highlighted by upcoming B.C. art expo
Organizers of a three-year art project on breastfeeding are calling for artist submissions

B.C. artists and videographers whose work explores breastfeeding may get a chance to showcase their pieces at an upcoming art expo.
The Breastfeeding Art Expo, organized by Interior Health and the non-profit Kelowna Community Resources, is currently looking for submissions.
"Breastfeeding is a really important area to focus on because it costs the system a lot of money when women are not supported properly to breastfeed because of increase in infections, for example, in bottle-fed babies," said Karen Graham, Interior Health's project co-ordinator.
"So in terms of a health directive, we would like to see more women having the opportunity and being supported to breastfeed."
Graham says submissions can be anything from sculptures to photographic displays to theatre productions.
Putting together the project will take three years, said Graham. Organizers are currently focusing on collecting submissions.
Next year, they'll gather the resources needed to support the artists as they create their work. The following year, the final art collection, which will hopefully consist of 10 projects, will tour across the Interior Health region.
The deadline for submissions is Friday.