Bright Nights Christmas Train on track despite theft setback
The Bright Nights Christmas Train will be running full steam ahead, despite a setback of thieves who stole about $7,000 worth of materials.
Thieves stole $7,000 worth of materials on Remembrance Day

The Bright Nights Christmas Train will be running full steam ahead, despite a setback of thieves who stole about $7,000 worth of materials.
The Vancouver Park Board announced the annual event in Stanley Park will forge ahead for the 18th year in a row and open as scheduled on Nov. 26.
Trains will depart every 4.5 minutes during peak periods for the 15-minute journey. It is one of Vancouver's most popular family attractions, carrying more than 200,000 passengers per year.
Vancouver police called the theft on Remembrance Day a despicable crime against a local charity — the B.C. Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund. Thousands of dollars of copper wire and extension cords were stolen.