Campaign donor lists released by Vision Vancouver and NPA
All of Vancouver's civic parties running in the municipal elections have released campaign donor lists

Vision Vancouver and the NPA have finally released lists of their campaign donors, with just over a week to go before the municipal election.
This includes Vision Vancouver and the NPA, which both said they would not release their figures, fearing one would give an advantage to the other.
But on Oct. 30, the NPA announced it would disclose its campaign donor list by today, November 7. It released them at a news conference on Friday morning.
Vision Vancouver quickly followed, pledging to release its own figures last weekend, but not actually doing so until yesterday, Nov. 6.
Of the city's other civic parties,the Green Party was the first to publish its list of campaign donors, on October 31. OneCity followed on November 3, while COPE published on November 6 on the same day as Vision Vancouver.
Vision Vancouver campaign donor list
Click here to see Vision Vancouver's "Voluntary Pre-Election Disclosure of 2014 Campaign Contributions".
NPA campaign donor list
Click here to see the Non-Partisan Association's donation list.
COPE campaign donor list
Click here to see COPE's list of union, corporate, and individual donations over $100.
Green Party campaign donor list
Click here to see the Green Party's campaign contributions list.
OneCity campaign donor list
Click here to see OneCity's donation list.