Candidate 101: City of Vancouver sets up info sessions for those mulling run for council
Sessions cover duties and time commitments of elected officials, details of election process

With several council positions opening up this fall, the City of Vancouver is providing information sessions for people interested in running in the 2018 municipal elections.
Hosted by the city's election office, the sessions cover the duties and time commitments of elected officials, as well as important details of the election process.
The first information session took place on July 3, and a weekend session at Vancouver City Hall is planned for July 14 at 10:30 a.m. PT. Attendees are asked to register, but it is not required.
Running for office this October? Learn what to expect at a Candidate 101 info session on July 3 or 14! <a href=""></a> <a href="">#VancouverVotes</a> <a href=""></a>
On Oct. 20, Vancouver voters will elect a mayor, 10 city councillors, seven parks and recreation board commissioners, and nine school board trustees.
With so few city council incumbents running in the next election, this year will see several fresh faces elected.
Thoren Hudyma with Equal Voice B.C. is hoping more women will get a seat in council.
"There is a systemic underrepresentation of women across the board in politics, and the same goes for ... ethnic minorities," said Hudyma.
"I think that sessions like the one the City of Vancouver is doing ... are really important. We need to give women the tools that they need in order to run," she said.
To become a candidate, you must be:
- 18 years of age or older on voting day
- A Canadian citizen
- A B.C. resident for six months before your nomination
- Someone not disqualified by the Vancouver Charter or by law
- Someone with a completed nomination package, including: signatures from 25 qualified electors; a $100 deposit; and a solemn declaration that you are eligible to run, aware of all financial requirements, and will take office if elected.
The nomination period closes at 4 p.m. PT on Sept. 14.
With files from The Early Edition