Caught in an avalanche, a sledder posts the whole experience on YouTube
Curtis Johnson posted a video of what it's like to get caught in an avalanche

A B.C. sledder filmed what it was like to be tossed and turned in an avalanche after capturing the terrifying moments on his helmet cam.
It began on a sunny day near Sicamous, B.C. when Curtis Johnson was on his sled over the pristine snow on Blue Lake.
One minute and 13 seconds into the video, the frame tilts jarringly. From green treetops to white snow and blue skies, the view becomes grey and black.
The video flickers in and out with glimpses of daylight. For an agonizing few seconds, all goes still.
Then muffled sounds and signs of light at the edge of the video can be seen and the sledder's friends suddenly appear in the frame breaking through the snowpack.
Using their shovels three of them begin digging Johnson out.
The happy faces of the sledder's friends tell how the story ends.
The video was posted March 28.