CBC Musical Nooners August 18: Twin Bandit
Hannah Walker and Jamie Elliott bring dreamy folk/roots sound to CBC Plaza for Tuesday's Nooner

East Vancouver folk/roots duo Twin Bandit will be performing a free concert at the CBC Plaza in downtown Vancouver on Aug. 18 at noon as part of the CBC Musical Nooners series.
Hannah Walker and Jamie Elliott make up Twin Bandit. They bonded over two shared loves: music and social activism. They first met at the non-profit St. James Music Academy, where they sang and served food to low-income music students in Vancouver.
After meeting in 2013, they signed to the Nettwerk label and released their debut album, For You, in July of 2015.
One of the songs on that album is Rosalyn, an ode to a friend who died of drug addiction on the Downtown Eastside.
Here is the official video of that song.
The CBC Musical Nooners are a series of free, live music concerts every weekday from noon to 1 p.m. PT at the CBC Vancouver Plaza on Hamilton Street (between West Georgia and Robson Streets).
While we do control the lineup, we can't control the weather. Follow us on Twitter at @CBCVancouver or #musicalnooners in case of changes to the schedule due to inclement weather.