CBC Musical Nooners July 30: Murray Porter
Foot-stomping, hand-clapping piano blues music from Juno-award winning artist

Self-taught singer, songwriter and piano player Murrary Porter brings his foot-stomping blend of blues and country to the CBC Musical Nooners stage on Thursday.
Porter, who is Mohawk and from the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory in Ontario, began playing music as a teenager in bars and nightclubs throughout Ontario and New York. Now based in North Vancouver, he uses blues and country music as well as humour to tell the aboriginal side of history.
In 2012 he won Aboriginal Album of the Year for Songs Lived & Life Played at the Juno Awards.
He's shared the stage with artists including Tom Cochrane, the Funk Brothers, and the very artist who inspired his blues career — B.B. King.
For a taste of the foot-stomping, hand-clapping piano that's to come on Thursday, check out Murray Porter's performance of Howling at the Moon.
The CBC Musical Nooners is a series of free, live music concerts every weekday from noon to 1 p.m. at the CBC Vancouver Plaza on Hamilton Street (between West Georgia and Robson).
While we do control the lineup, we can't control the weather. Follow us on Twitter at @CBCVancouver or #musicalnooners in case of changes to the schedule due to inclement weather.