Centenarians come together to celebrate milestones and memories
The secret to longevity is to 'Just have fun. That’s it'

It is an exclusive club to be sure — and 18 Metro Vancouver centenarians came together Wednesday to celebrate centuries of milestones and memories and to share what it takes to make it past 100.
The group, ranging in age from 100 to 108 years old arrived to a music-filled red carpet ceremony at Normanna Home in Burnaby, B.C., walking or wheeling their way into the auditorium that was transformed into an Academy Awards-like ceremony.

It's the first long-term care home in Canada to host a centenarian celebration, according to a news release from Normanna.

Peter Julian, the NDP MP for New Westminster-Burnaby said he was thrilled to take part in "an extraordinary event."
"Its really a pleasure to sit down and talk about how they lived their lives, and learn from their wisdom and experience." said Julian.