Chilliwack SAR rescues 2 ATV riders
ATV riders began their outing around 10 p.m. and got lost in the dark on steep, technical trails

Chilliwack Search and Rescue crews were out early Saturday morning locating two all terrain vehicle riders who got lost in the Tamahi area.
Search Manager Doug Fraser said four men headed out on ATVs around 10 p.m., PT. Two of the men turned around, but two continued into the night.
"The two that continued, they just became disoriented in the dark, took a couple wrong turns and ended up travelling into some terrain that was quite steep and the trails became quite rutted," said Fraser, who added the ATV batteries died and one man suffered minor injuries after flying over his handlebars and onto the ground.
Family member called for help
When the men failed to return on time, family members called RCMP, who called rescue crews around 2 a.m PT.
Fraser said the men found a place to rest, and began walking out of the woods around 4 a.m. PT. Searchers found the men on a logging road about an hour later.
"We — and they — were very fortunate. It was certainly a best case scenario that we found them as quickly as we did," said Fraser. "We fully expected it would require daylight and a helicopter."
Fraser said 12 volunteers from Chilliwack SAR took part in the rescue, with additional searchers and a helicopter prepared to join the effort in the morning.
"I don't think it's a good idea to start your ride at 10 o'clock at night, starting off in the dark, especially if you're going to be riding in technical terrain," said Fraser.
Recent ATV fatality in the area
Just last weekend, Fraser said Chilliwack SAR was involved in another incident in the Tamahi area. In that case, a man died after another man drove his ATV close to a steep embankment. The ATV driver was able to jump off the vehicle, but the other man slipped about 100 metres down the slope.