Christy Clark's explanation of B.C. NDP hacking accusation sets off social media
Premier says repeatedly in radio interview and on Twitter that she 'jumped to conclusions'

Critics and media are questioning Premier Christy Clark's messaging on recent accusations that the B.C. Liberals' website was allegedly hacked.
In a radio interview Thursday morning, Clark said she "jumped to conclusions" when she accused the NDP of hacking into her party's website without any evidence to substantiate the claim.
What actually happened to the website is still unclear.
A series of tweets by her press secretary, Stephen Smart, captured Clark's message — over and over.
<a href="">@christyclarkbc</a> says she was really mad when found out hacking attempt came from <a href="">#bcleg</a> and she drew a quick conclusion.
But <a href="">@christyclarkbc</a> says she should not have jumped to such a quick conclusion until proper investigation is complete. Did so out of anger.
<a href="">@christyclarkbc</a> says she jumped to same conclusion as others given knowledge that hack attempt on <a href="">@bcliberals</a> came from computer at <a href="">#bcleg</a>
<a href="">@christyclarkbc</a> - I jumped to conclusions too quickly b/c was angry about hack attempt on <a href="">@bcliberals</a> website from a <a href="">#bcleg</a> computer.
But critics and others didn't respond lightly to the premier's messaging.
<a href="">@smartyvr</a> thanks for that Sean Spicer. <a href="">#bcpoli</a>
The degree to which this BC Liberal administration, and Premier in particular, takes public as fools is astonishing. It really is
So <a href="">@christyclarkbc</a> has egged on <a href="">@jjhorgan</a> to ask for apology during QP on issue she says doesn't matter, now making it matter even more
Ugh. This is embarrassing. The BC Liberals must have hacked the webcam at BC NDP headquarters to take this screen capture of our IT staff. <a href=""></a>