Interior Health warns of COVID-19 exposure at hotel pub in Merritt
Anyone who was at Coldwater Hotel pub late Sept. 19 asked to self-monitor, get tested if they develop symptoms

Health officials say anyone who visited the pub at the Coldwater Hotel in Merritt, B.C., the night of Sept. 19 might have been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19.
Interior Health is asking any patrons who visited the pub between 9 and 10 p.m. that day to monitor themselves and get tested if they develop symptoms of the disease.
Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, and loss of taste or smell. Other more mild symptoms can include a runny nose, fatigue, aches and pains, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, vomiting and red eyes.
Interior Health is asking anyone experiencing these symptoms to stay home and avoid travelling except to get tested locally.
Public contact tracing is underway, and Interior Health will reach out to anyone who has been identified as being directly exposed.
Anyone looking to get tested is asked to contact their primary health-care provider, like a family doctor, or to visit a testing centre.