Commercial Drive stabbing sends young man to hospital
The man was reportedly stabbed in the stomach

A young man is in hospital with serious injuries after he was reportedly stabbed near Britannia Community Services Centre near Commercial Drive.
Some customers at a pizza shop near Commercial Drive and Napier Street called 911 after the man stumbled into the restaurant bleeding.
"We were at the Wise Hall and decided to get some pizza," said Jake Lamar, who was inside the pizza shop at the time.
"The victim came across the street and said that he'd been stabbed — a puncture wound to the stomach."

Alleged attacker not found
Lamar says the man told him he had been stabbed by someone near the Britannia Information Centre across the street.
Lamar and his friend went across the street to bring the man's belongings back to at the pizza shop, where paramedics were already tending to his injuries.
"We were just trying to help him out until the ambulance came," he said. "He didn't seem to be in bad condition."
Vancouver Police cordoned off the area and were interviewing potential witnesses around the block. It's unknown if the alleged attacker was found.