Cougar sighted at Camosun College in Victoria
The animal appeared overnight in a parking lot on the Landsdowne campus

Police are advising owners of small pets to keep them indoors after dark following a cougar sighting overnight in Greater Victoria.
Around 1 a.m. PT Friday morning, a staff member reported a cougar in the parking lot of the Landsdowne campus of Camosun College, close to Foul Bay Road.
The animal moved off into a nearby treed area before police arrived on the scene. It was not seen again during the night.
"The animal in question appeared healthy and had no obvious injuries," said Sgt. Steve Eassie of the Saanich Police in a statement.
"It did not show any signs of aggression or predatory behaviour while being observed, and was likely wandering from green space to green space in search of food."
The statement from police notes that cougars are not uncommon in large green spaces, particularly at night.
Last night's sighting follows a spate of cougars spotted during the daytime, including one Thursday near a West Vancouver elementary school, and another near the B.C. Legislature that was tranquilized and removed from the area.