B.C. announces 47 new COVID-19 cases, no new deaths
In total, there have been 3,834 cases in British Columbia and 195 deaths

There have been 47 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in B.C. in the past 24 hours, according to a statement from B.C.'s Minister of Health Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.
The new cases bring the total number of confirmed cases in the province to 3,834. There are 351 active cases of COVID-19, with nine people in hospital, six of whom are in intensive care.
There have been no new deaths in the past 24 hours, leaving the provincial death toll at 195.
At the moment, three long-term care or assisted living facilities have active outbreaks. These include the Holy Family Hospital long-term care facility in Vancouver, and the Dania Home long-term care facility in Burnaby and the Maple Ridge Seniors Village long-term care facility.
There have been no new community outbreaks, but there have been a number of public exposures — including flights in and out of the province.
On Wednesday, B.C.'s Transportation Minister Claire Trevena requested federal help getting information from airlines that it says is critical for tracing passengers who may have been exposed to COVID-19.
Dix and Henry's statement reiterated the need to take precautions in "everything we do."
"Younger people, in particular, may not fully understand why many of the activities they normally enjoy are no longer available, look different and require us to interact with each other in new ways," it read.