Victoria could see referendum on replacing the city's only public pool
55-year-old Crystal Pool isn't accessible, needs seismic upgrades and is a major greenhouse gas contributor
Two City of Victoria councillors say it's time to start talking about replacing Crystal Pool again.
The aging facility — the city's only public pool — isn't fully accessible, needs seismic upgrades, has mounting maintenance costs, and contributes nearly half of the city's corporate greenhouse gas emissions.
But past councils have not been able to agree on where exactly a new pool would go and which exact amenities the complex would include.
Jeremy Caradonna and Stephen Hammond say putting the options to the public would help.
They introduced a motion this week to ask staff to come up with a short list of replacement options and then plan a referendum.
It received unanimous support at a committee of the whole meeting Thursday.
The referendum would ask the public two questions: one binding, one non-binding.
The binding question, as required by provincial law, would ask for approval to borrow the money required to complete the project. The non-binding question would ask residents which of the proposed plans they prefer.

"I like the idea of having the input," said Hammond. "If we get direction on where people want it to be, I think that'll make it a lot easier for buy-in."
While there has been general agreement that the pool would stay in the city's North Park neighbourhood, some want it in the existing location in a city park, while others would like it built in a city-owned parking lot at 940 Caledonia Ave, a few blocks away.
The motion proposes that the replacement options are all in, or adjacent to, North Park, that they include a pool and recreation facilities, and they give residents an understanding of the costs, features, and impacts of each option.
It also asks that staff make sure the options are accessible and climate-friendly.
Caradonna understands that people might be frustrated that he wants staff to look at the project again, but he says past studies are now too old to be considered relevant.
He hopes new ideas and a vote will finally get a new pool built.
"The whole idea here is to move forward as a community so that we don't get stuck in the process again like we did last time," he said.
Both Caradonna and Hammond agree that it is a huge project to take on — their motion says it's likely to cost over $100 million, "the most expensive capital project in the City of Victoria's history."
But they fear without a plan, the current pool will need to close before its replacement is built. It already closes on occasion for maintenance issues — including this week.