Meet Kwantlen Polytechnic University's newest degree holders: the Sedins
KPU awards honorary degrees to Daniel and Henrik Sedin

Daniel and Henrik Sedin hold plenty of records with the Vancouver Canucks but on Thursday they were holding something else — honorary degrees from Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
Henrik says he was blown away by the school's gesture when Kwantlen staff reached out to him earlier this year.
"We were pretty shocked and surprised when we got the news," Henrik said.
"When you're young as a hockey player, your only focus is hockey. As you get older and you get families and kids, you start realizing there are other things than hockey in life."
Daniel's children were impressed with the thick burgundy robes their father and uncle wore to the ceremony.
"My kids thought it was a lot of fun this morning, and they said I looked like Harry Potter," Daniel chuckled.
When asked who was the better student when they were growing up in Sweden, the twins said their grades — just like everything else about them — were pretty similar.
Hockey talk
The Sedins say they started their off-season training program about four weeks ago and they've already met with new Canucks head coach Travis Green.
Both say they expect to sort out what their roles will be this upcoming season when training camp starts.
"For us, training camp is when you show what you can do and how you can help the team," Henrik said.
"Just because we've played for a long time doesn't mean we're expecting anything. For us, it's just come in at our best and he can use us however he likes."
Stay or go?
The Canucks finished with a dismal 69 points last year, which landed them in the basement of the Pacific Division.
The Sedins aren't signed beyond this year and much has been made about whether they would accept a trade to a contending team, if Vancouver falls out of the playoff race.
"We're a long way from that," Daniel said.
"It's June right now and, as I said, training camp is our only focus right now. It's dangerous if you look too far ahead."