Dario Bartoli's mother wants cameras installed in Surrey park after teen's death
If there was video footage, there might have been an arrest by now, June Iida says

The mother of Dario Bartoli, the 15 year old who was killed in South Surrey last year, says surveillance cameras in parks might have helped solve her son's death.
June Iida wants to see surveillance cameras installed at the entrances of parks, including one at Bakerview Park where Bartoli was killed during an alcohol-fuelled altercation between two groups in December.
Iida says if there was video footage of the incident, there might have been an arrest by now.
"My goal is to start a pilot program here in South Surrey because this is where it happened," Iida said. "This is my son's community. It's all about protecting our community, our children, everybody who lives here."
Deterrent for criminals
Iida is calling the campaign the Dario Bartoli Movement and more than 13,000 people have already signed the petition to install cameras and better lighting in Surrey parks.
"He was always on the move. That's why I call this the Dario Bartoli Movement. He was always on wheels, on a skateboard, on a bike. That's why I want to move this forward to something that is perhaps going to save another child."
"I think it's a deterrent. Any camera or lights for criminals would be a deterrent," she said.
Iida has met with Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner and the police chief in the hopes of getting municipal funding, but is also looking to raise money for the installations — the cost of which has yet to be determined.
"I think it is something we need to examine, take into account and have discussions with the city," said Surrey RCMP Chief Supt. Bill Fordy.
Hepner also agreed that Iida came up with a "few good ideas."
Meanwhile the police investigation into Bartoli's death continues.
No arrests have been made.