Driving with snowy windshield 'porthole' gets motorist fined
B.C. Transportation Ministry tweeted the driver was fined

The B.C. Transportation Ministry says a driver on Vancouver Island was fined for driving with only a porthole-sized clearing on their snow-covered windshield.
"This vehicle was stopped on the Malahat yesterday," the ministry tweeted on Tuesday. "A porthole is not enough to drive safely."
The South Coast got dumped with heavy snow this past weekend, and while some might not want to shovel out their cars, police say that's simply not a good enough excuse.
Last month, another driver in B.C. was pulled over for driving with a "dinner-plate-sized" hole on their snowy windshield.
Do you think this snow clearing is sufficient? One driver did. Couldn’t understand why he got pulled over. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/can?src=hash">#can</a>’tmakeitup <a href="https://t.co/WsfEFrhnsH">pic.twitter.com/WsfEFrhnsH</a>
Surrey RCMP said at the time that anyone driving with their vision obscured can be hit with a fine of up to $400. If the driver were to be involved in an accident and found to be at fault, they could face criminal charges.