B.C. College of Physicians wants 'Dr. Lipjob' sent to jail
Rajdeep Kaur Khakh kept posing as doctor, giving Botox injections, court documents allege
It was a dramatic denouncement midway through a private Botox party at the back of a Vancouver salon in July, in the fashionable Yaletown neighbourhood.
The woman allegedly injecting Botox was confronted by a salon manager brandishing a cellphone with a CBC News article on it about "Dr. Lipjob" — a fake doctor already subject to a court order brought by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia.
"I showed her the article, said to her and everyone present that she was not a real doctor and demanded that she leave immediately before I called the police," said Justin Voitic in an affidavit filed as part of a new application by the college asking a judge to punish Rajdeep Kaur Khakh with prison time and fines.
"[She] appeared shaken up and quickly packed up her things… She thanked me, which I assume was for giving her the opportunity to leave," said Voitic.
Forged medical licence
The college alleges that Khakh, who used to go under the Instagram handle "Dr. Lipjob," continued to inject Botox and dermal fillers despite agreeing to stop under the terms of a consent order in March.
She had been ordered to stop pretending to be a doctor and performing injections. She also paid $25,000 in costs. Only physicians, dentists and nurses or licensed practical nurses under the direct supervision of a doctor are allowed to do such injections in B.C.
Khakh, who also called herself Dr. Rajji, and Dr. R.K., used a forged medical licence to buy products and convince spas she was legitimate, according to evidence that was presented to get the original court order.
A year ago, CBC News reported that the college had done an extensive undercover investigation of Khakh's activities and posted surveillance video that was part of the court filings seeking the injunction against her.

Incredibly low prices
But the new college application says Khakh's "contemptuous conduct is financially motivated" and the affidavits say she charged between $300 and $420 per treatment, prices considered incredibly low.
She continued injecting people at parties, in their cars and homes and was seeking new markets for her business, according to allegations made by the college in court documents.
Voitic, the manager who also describes himself as a blogger and social media "influencer," says in his affidavit that he was contacted by Khakh in the spring of 2017 via Facebook.
She called herself Dr. R.K. and allegedly told him she wanted to develop a male client base.
WATCH: Rajdeep Kaur Khakh prepares to inject lip filler before the subject backs out
She offered him free injections of dermal fillers if she could film the procedure and post the video to her Instagram account, telling him she was experienced and that she went to clients' homes to perform the procedures, he said. He agreed.
She first offered to do it in her car because she was in a rush, but he says he asked her to come inside his apartment where she injected his lips with a substance.
"It was very painful. I felt that my lips looked swollen and awful the next day," but after a week "the swelling subsided and my lips began to look more normal," he said in his affidavit.
He then saw a CBC News article about "Dr. Lipjob" and recognized the woman as the one who had injected him.
Allegedly injected physician
The college has another affidavit from a friend of his, family physician Dr. Amelia Denby who was also allegedly injected by Khakh.
Denby had been at a private Botox party at a salon in Chilliwack, B.C., in the fall of 2017. She says in her affidavit that she believed the woman who referred to herself as Dr. Lipjob was a doctor and a registrant of the college.
Denby says she even asked how a doctor goes about getting Botox training but says she demurred and did not really answer.
A month later, the salon called to apologize, saying the woman who injected her with Botox was not a doctor.
On July 3, according to their affidavits, Denby and Voitic arrived at the salon to find Khakh injecting people at the private Botox party, which had been organized by a hair stylist, Aleksandra Mikolajczyk.
Voitic shot three short videos of the scene that are part of the college application.
In her affidavit, Mikolajczyk said that she and two friends had already been injected with Botox and the dermal filler Juvederm by Khakh, at her home in November 2017.
That was after Khakh had been warned to stop pretending to be a physician several times by the college but before she signed the consent order.
The college alleges Khakh never intended to obey the order. In court documents filed on Nov. 7, the college alleges that Khakh did not tell the stylist that she was "prohibited by law… from administering injections of dermal fillers."
The new allegations have not been proven in court.
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