You're not imagining it, B.C.'s fall colours were 'spectacular'
Biologist says combination of moisture and cool weather resulted in beautiful tree colours

As snow begins to fall in the B.C. Interior, residents are enjoying the last days of an unusually colourful autumn.
In downtown Kelowna, residents interviewed used words like "fabulous" and "intense" to describe this fall's colours.
A biologist says they're right.
"I have noticed this year is particularly good. It's a spectacular year," said Miranda Hart, associate professor of biology at the University of British Columbia's Okanagan campus.
Hart said the Thompson Okanagan's cool and sunny September and October combined with just enough precipitation to keep leaves on the trees, resulting in the perfect biological reaction for beautiful colours.
Cool temperatures
"It all depends on the climate after the chloroplasts [green pigments in the leaves] have started to degrade," she said.
She said cooler-than-normal temperatures particularly enhanced the red pigment present in leaves.
For weeks, local residents have been sharing photos of the stunning colours on social media.

"It has indeed been a most wonderful fall with colours to warm our hearts," said Kaslo resident Sheila Clare.
Enjoy it while you can
In contrast, southern Ontario experienced record high temperatures this fall resulting in fall colours described as "drab."
B.C.'s beautiful hues likely won't last much longer as snow begins to fall in the interior.

With files from CBC's Daybreak South.