Ferrari driver fined $750 for clocking 210 km/h on Lions Gate Bridge
Yihao Wang is also banned from driving until November

A West Vancouver, B.C., man has been fined and banned from driving after he was clocked going 150 km/h over the speed limit on the Lions Gate Bridge last summer.
Yihao Wang was driving his Ferrari at 210 km/h northbound on the bridge on July 4. The maximum posted speed on the bridge is 60 km/h.
The Ferrari 458, worth roughly $300,000, was impounded for 60 days and Wang was handed a 16-month driving prohibition.
He was later charged with excessive speeding relative to conditions under the Motor Vehicle Act.
History of speeding
On Tuesday, he was fined $750 for the offence after defence and Crown agreed on his sentence. He was also charged $113 for a victim surcharge fee.
The provincial court judge said Wang's existing driving ban from the summer should remain in place. It will be lifted in November.
Wang has a history of speed-related offences.
He was ticketed after being pulled over by the same officer on the same bridge in April 2017. Before that, he was ticketed twice for speeding in other jurisdictions.