Fight over custody of Metis toddler returns to court
Two-and-a-half-year-old girl's foster parents are seeking an interim order to prevent the Children's Ministry from taking the toddler before their appeal can be heard.
Vancouver Island couple are fighting to adopt the little girl who they have raised since birth

The fight to keep a Metis toddler in B.C. will return to court today.
The two-and-a-half-year-old girl's foster parents are seeking an interim order to prevent the Ministry of Children and Family Development from taking the toddler before their appeal of a lower court ruling can be heard.
The Vancouver Island couple are fighting to adopt the little girl, who they have raised since birth as foster parents, but the ministry wants to move her to Ontario to live with a family that has adopted her older siblings, whom she has never met.
A B.C. Supreme Court judge dismissed the couple's petition to stop the girl from being moved last week, but the foster parents are appealing the decision.