Grizzly bear attack near Bella Bella leaves engineer injured
B.C. conservation officers are looking for the bear

An engineer with a Vancouver logging company is in hospital after being attacked by a grizzly bear Thursday morning at Burke Channel near Bella Bella, B.C.
Police say the victim worked with A and A Trading.
A coast guard vessel rushed to the area after a mayday call was made. A helicopter eventually air-lifted the victim out and he was flown to a hospital in Vancouver.
Bella Bella RCMP Sgt. Milo Ramsey says the victim suffered non-life threatening injuries, but couldn't say how he got away from the animal.
"The first thing going through my mind is how soon can we get this person help," he says.
"It's not hard to empathize and put yourself in the same position that you wouldn't want to be waiting too long for help or care with an injury that's causing you to bleed."
B.C. conservation officers are now looking for the bear.