Have you received a blank mail-in election ballot? Here's how to fill it out
You can vote for a party or your local candidate

If you're one of the almost half a million people who have already requested a mail-in ballot for the upcoming provincial election, then you might notice that they look a little different than past years.
Elections BC says at least 474,000 British Columbians have requested a mail-in ballot for this year's election, as of Wednesday night.
But the candidate nomination period doesn't end until Oct. 2, so if you've already requested a mail-in ballot, it won't come with candidates' names.
There are certain rules that need to be followed for your ballot to be eligible; here's what you need to know.
Party or candidate name
To correctly fill out your ballot, you must either write the name of the party or the candidate you want to elect.
However, Elections BC says you can't simply write the name of the party leader unless you live in their electoral district.

If you aren't sure of your electoral district, it is written on the certification envelope included in your mail-in package.
CBC News has compiled a list of all the candidates running in each electoral district.
All mail-in votes need to be received by Elections BC by 8:00 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 24.
As well, Elections BC says it's lenient with spelling as long as the candidate you are voting for is clear.
Mail-in packages can also be dropped off in person at electoral offices and certain Service BC locations.