Highway 1 reopens near Bridal Falls to single lane traffic in both directions
Highway expected to fully reopen by Sunday but until then expect delays

Highway 1 in the eastern Fraser Valley is now open to single lane traffic in both directions after a series of mudslides forced its closure early Thursday morning.
For the time being both east and westbound traffic is travelling along the west lanes of the highway. Crews are now working to clear the more heavily hit eastern lanes.
Speeds in the area are restricted to 50 km/h and congestion delays are expected.
According to DriveBC, the highway is expected to fully open by Sunday. Highway 11 and seven remain options to detour around the problem area.
UPDATE - <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BCHwy1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BCHwy1</a> Westbound lane is OPEN to single lane traffic in both directions. Expect delays.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VancouverBC?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VancouverBC</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ChilliwackBC?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ChilliwackBC</a><a href="https://t.co/VaoSONQdT2">https://t.co/VaoSONQdT2</a><a href="https://t.co/1TBdZpD3ZH">https://t.co/1TBdZpD3ZH</a>
At least 25 pieces of heavy equipment are working around the clock to clear the huge volume of debris, which is five metres deep in some locations.
The Ministry of Transportation said the slide hit the stretch of highway 120 kilometres east of Vancouver at three separate locations.

The nearby Popkum Fire Department responded to the first calls for help because some drivers and passengers in vehicles were stranded by debris or downed power lines.
Three people had to be rescued, but an RCMP news release said there were no injuries reported.
Late Thursday, the ministry said geotechnical engineers had completed their review of the area and crews with heavy equipment were beginning to clear away large amounts of debris covering the highway.

The slide has also impacted CN Railway traffic that runs beside the highway and while some trains are still moving, there have been delays.
A CN spokeswoman said rail crews were on the scene clearing debris from the tracks and are expecting to work through the night.

Environment Canada lifted a rainfall warning on Thursday for eastern sections of the Fraser Valley that had been deluged with rain over the past several days but more rain is expected over the weekend.