Interprovincial internet wine sales legalized by B.C.

The B.C. government is dropping some of the last regulations preventing residents from ordering wine from other provinces over the internet, and it is hoping other provinces will follow suit.
Minister Rich Coleman announced Thursday that under the new regulations British Columbians can now order wine from another province and have it shipped directly to them.
But regulations restricting the shipping of wine from B.C. wineries to other provinces still remain in place in many provinces, a situation the minster is hoping to change.
"British Columbia is prepared to take the lead on opening up the Canadian marketplace for our world-renowned B.C. wineries," said Coleman
"Today, we encourage other jurisdictions to take immediate steps to reciprocate by opening up their borders and allow all Canadians to order wine over the Internet."
"To be eligible for direct shipping the wine ingredients must be 100 per cent grown and produced in the province it is being shipped from, and the wine must be for personal consumption only. There is no limit on the number of bottles that can be shipped, provided they are for personal consumption," said a statement issued by the ministry.
Last month the government announced B.C. residents can now carry back up to one case of wine, four bottles of spirits, and a combined total of six dozen beer, cider and coolers from other provinces for personal consumption.
The move follows recent changes to a federal law from the prohibition era that had made it illegal for consumers to carry or ship wine across provincial borders.