Jack O'Lanterns could attract bears, conservation officers warn
Conservation Service advises not to put Jack O' Lanterns out until Halloween night and afterwards remove them

Conservation officers are warning B.C. residents their Halloween Jack O'Lanterns could end up attracting more than hungry trick-or-treaters.
Lower Mainland Insp. Murray Smith says pumpkins will attract bears as well.
"Bears are on a mad hunt right now for as much food as they can find to put on calories for the denning period, which is probably going to start in mid-November."
That means Jack O'Lanterns should not go out before Halloween night, particularly in neighbourhoods known to have bears.
"Put them out for Halloween night and then take them away and dispose of them properly so that bears can't access them," he said.
He says the warning applies to anyone who has ever heard of a bear in their neighbourhood.
He also advises homeowners to keep garbage and compost secure, clean up fruit on trees and avoid putting out bird seed before bears have started denning, in order to avoid attracting bears to your home.