Jennifer Newman: 3 ways to boost creativity at work
Workplace psychologist Jennifer Newman says changing your mood can boost creativity

"You'll see job postings and descriptions looking for things like problem solving, good communication, multi-tasking abilities, ability to collaborate on a team," workplace psychologist Jennifer Newman told The Early Edition's Rick Cluff.
"And all of that requires creativity, but you just don't call it that,"
Newman says creativity helps boost productivity, but it's not necessary to immediately go sign yourself up for an art class. Tapping into your emotions — excitement and curiosity — at work will do the trick.
Newman shared three ways to get in the mood for creativity.
Cut out the negative thoughts
"Telling yourself that something is never going to work, or you're going to never fix this — those kinds of talks to yourself will stifle your creative problem solving," Newman said.
Reward yourself for your hard work
"Some people will say, 'I'll give myself this reward … after I've finished this boring task,' and then they don't follow through," Newman said.
"Follow through if you're promising yourself something."
Eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're tired
"Hunger, lack of sleep — that will contribute to irritability," Newman said.
"We know that irritability won't lend itself to being playful, and being playful is what makes you more creative."
Workplace psychologist Jennifer Newman joins The Early Edition on CBC Radio One every Thursday at 6:50 a.m.