Critics take aim at B.C. Liberals' rosy job picture
'We have not seen good, permanent full-time family-sustaining jobs,' says labour leader

With just over three months to go before a provincial election, Premier Christy Clark is boasting that B.C. leads the nation in job growth.
Clark said Monday that B.C. jumped from ninth place in job creation to first place since 2011, bragging that B.C. created more than 190,000 jobs.
And with an unemployment rate of 5.8 per cent, the province has the lowest jobless rate in Canada.
These are strong job figures for a party seeking a fifth term in office, but critics say the Liberals can't take all the credit for B.C.'s economic growth. Canada's low dollar helped fuel the expansion of the film, tech and tourism sector.
And they warned that there are dark clouds on the economic horizon, because the B.C. economy isn't as buoyant as the Liberals boast.
The big concern, they say, if that job growth is mainly confined to the Lower Mainland and driven by the real estate sector.
Need to diversify: NDP
Shane Simpson, the New Democrat's critic for jobs, labour and economic development, said B.C. must diversify its economy.
"I just think that dependency on a sector is always a challenge," Simpson said. "Just take a look at oil in Alberta.
"When the price of oil collapsed, the Alberta economy went into a tailspin."
Critics also raised alarms about the kind of jobs created in recent years.
Irene Lanzinger, president of the B.C. Federation of Labour, said nearly half of the 70,000 jobs created last year were part time, low-paying positions.
"We have not seen good, permanent full time family-sustaining jobs created by the [province's] job plan," Lanzinger said.
Statistics back up those claims. Bryan Yu, an economist with Central 1 Credit Union, said the the services sector has seen the biggest jump in job creation in the last decade.
Simpson said B.C.'s job picture is like a tale of two economies.
"In Metro Vancouver, the south of Vancouver Island, the economies are quite strong. There is a fair amount of job creation. That's where all the jobs are," Simpson said..
No job plan from NDP
"In the rest of the province, we've lost jobs in the last year. There's been a net loss of jobs."
However, other observers note that it's natural for governments to take credit for good economic numbers, especially during an election year.
And political scientist Hamish Telford said the Opposition NDP has not announced a job creation plan of its own.
"They have to be getting out there and touting an alternative economic plan, a climate change plan, a housing plan," said Telford, a professor at the University of the Fraser Valley.
Simpson said the the NDP will unveil a job creation plan after the government delivers its budget next month.
He said the NDP have plans to implement policies that will create higher quality jobs, including a daycare plan and a plan to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour.