Kinder Morgan protest leads to 7 arrests
Group protesting Trans Mountain's proposed pipeline were removed from a barge used for test drilling

Seven people were arrested Monday morning while protesting the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline.
According to Burnaby RCMP, four protesters boarded a barge sitting about 100 metres offshore at Westridge Marine Terminal on Sunday, and remained there overnight.
Police were called Monday, after more activists joined the protest, and were asked to remove them.
The boat is being used for test drilling.
A group of around two dozen protesters also delivered what they are calling a "People's Injunction" to the National Energy Board's office in Downtown Vancouver Monday morning.
Hearings begin Tuesday
The notice demanded the suspension of the Kinder Morgan pipeline hearings, scheduled to begin tomorrow.
"We're here to protest the Kinder Morgan pipeline review process which is going to start this week," climate activist Claris Figueira told CBC News.
"Basically, what we're demanding, is that Justin Trudeau cancel or suspend the National Energy Board review process."
Last week, the B.C. government said it was not prepared to support the proposed $6.8-billion expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline from Alberta to Burnaby, citing concerns over the company's lack of information around its proposed spill prevention and response plan.