Kinder Morgan protesters show their #KMface on social media
Anti-pipeline protesters take to social media to ridicule statements company lawyer made in court

An Internet meme that started over statements made at the B.C. Supreme Court hearing into an injunction application by Kinder Morgan against Burnaby Mountain pipeline protesters has taken off on social media.
Protesters and supporters are taking to Twitter and Facebook after Kinder Morgan lawyer Bill Kaplan, referring to photos in court exhibits, said the malicious expression on protesters' faces combined with their "snarls" could constitute a form of assault.
The comments launched an Internet campaign that invited protesters and supporters to show their #KMface.
Even Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson got in on the action, tweeting "My #KMface for the record.
B.C. Supreme Court Justice Austin Cullen will rule on Kinder Morgan's injunction application restraining protesters from interfering with its survey work Nov. 17.
@ryvinx tweeted "this is my #kmface."
The Rain Forest Action Network tweeted "Kinder Morgan claims pipeline protestors' angry expressions = "assault! What's your #KMface?"
@dogwoodbc, a group opposing pipeline expansion, re-tweeted this photo.
And @albertarabbit's #KMface is a cat
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