Police issue warning about 'dangerous' sex offender living in Surrey
Kristjon Otto Olson has been convicted of sexual offences against minors, including sexual interference, sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching and child pornography offences.
RCMP said Kristjon Otto Olson, 38, 'poses a high risk to reoffend'

Surrey RCMP have issued a public warning about a sex offender released from prison and living in Surrey.
In a statement, police called Kristjon Otto Olson, 38, "a dangerous sex offender who poses a high risk to reoffend."
Olson has been convicted of sexual offences against minors, including sexual interference, sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching and child pornography, according to the statement. He was released from prison Friday.
Police said Olson must abide by court-ordered conditions.
Those include wearing an electronic supervision device, not contacting anyone under 16, not possessing or consuming drugs or alcohol or possessing any drug paraphernalia, not accessing pornography and keeping to a curfew.
Olson is described as:
- Five feet eight inches tall.
- 174 pounds.
- Brown hair and brown eyes.