Angry Fort St. John road flagger blasts drivers who treat her like pavement
'[Drivers] just don't care ... oh I've had many close calls!'

Lindsay Ramsden loves her job controlling traffic in Fort St. John B.C., except when drivers glued to cell phones blow past her like she's no more than a traffic cone.
"[Some Drivers] they don't care," she said. "I've had many close calls!"
Ramsden decided to speak out on social media in defense of her and other traffic control workers, taking aim at the rude, dangerous drivers who seem to forget that she is there for their safety.

"The people too busy trying to get to work too fast to notice that I'm standing there," said Ramsden who became the voice of anger for her profession on social media promising to deliver a "paddle directly in the face" to the next driver with no regard for her safety or her life.
"People will be blowing past me at 100-miles-per-hour and my sign in my hand is blowing around," she said describing how some drivers accelerate so fast past her on icy days she almost slips.
"Next person that almost runs me over while I'm flagging and tells me, 'oh I couldn't see you' ... you passed three of my signs and a bright white truck with one of the brightest amber light bars in town .... yes, please again explain how you couldn't see me, standing in bright yellow, waving a stop sign at you?"

"Slow down around the flaggers and crew. You think it's a game? My life ain't a game, and you taking a bit of extra time to slow down Is going to kill you??? It won't but me getting hit by your vehicle will kill me!!! Slow down move over please!!!" she posted on WTF Fort St. John after one too many close calls.
Ramsden urged people to stop seeing flaggers as an inconvenience and keep in mind they are humans.
She said the worst drivers are always the ones with the least patience and the rudest when they are called on their behaviour.
With Files from Andrew Kurjata
To hear the full story listen to the audio labelled : Angry traffic controller blasts bad drivers
With Files from Andrew Kurjata