Hikers smash records for number of Grouse Grind climbs in a day
Ian Robertson climbs Grouse Grind 16 times in 19 hours, Andrea Johb sets female record

The record for the most times an individual has climbed the Grouse Grind trail in one day had not been broken since the first year the event was held.
But Tuesday, Vancouver's Ian Robertson beat the previous record of 15 times — set by Idar Karlsen — by climbing the challenging trail 16 times over a 19 hour period.
"I'm tired ... that pretty much sums it up," said Robertson.
He said he won't try to beat his own record again next year and will leave that to someone else.

Robertson is now training for the Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run on July 9, but he doesn't plan to beat any records there.
"There are many other superhumans there," he said.
New female record smashed
A new female record was also broken by Andrea Johb, who hiked the mountain 15 times. She beat Sarah Tomlinson's 13 Grouse Grinds set at the inaugural event in 2014.
"To beat the record, it felt pretty special. I kept pinching myself that I actually accomplished it," said Johb.
Johb said she feels surprisingly well today but admitted to being a little tired. Still, she says she'll be back on the Grouse Grind again tomorrow.
Yay! The best feeling to finish #15! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/multigrindchallenge?src=hash">#multigrindchallenge</a> <a href="https://t.co/cwcIixfCvl">https://t.co/cwcIixfCvl</a>
Check out <a href="https://twitter.com/HootAJ">@HootAJ</a> starting her 15th Grind of the day!! Amazing job! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/multigrindchallenge?src=hash">#multigrindchallenge</a> <a href="https://t.co/vFT4gMIS5k">pic.twitter.com/vFT4gMIS5k</a>
The third annual Multi-Grouse Grind Challenge is the only sanctioned event that determines the record holder for the most ascents of the Grouse Grind in a one-day period.
It raises funds for the B.C. Children's Hospital Foundation. This year, the 36 competitors raised $21,000.
And they're off! This group hit the trail at 4am this morning for the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/multigrindchallenge?src=hash">#multigrindchallenge</a> in support of <a href="https://twitter.com/BCCHF">@BCCHF</a> <a href="https://t.co/ogqE3gGrTa">pic.twitter.com/ogqE3gGrTa</a>
In total, athletes completed 362 Grouse Grinds in a one-day period by all the athletes.
They began at 4:00 a.m. PT and had until 10:00 p.m. PT to clock in.