Miley Cyrus on B.C. coast after speaking out against wolf cull
'Hello Klemtu,' singer says in online video

U.S. pop singer Miley Cyrus is in British Columbia this weekend after making headlines for speaking out against B.C.'s wolf cull.
Earlier this month, Cyrus urged her fans to sign an online petition against the wolf hunt, calling it a "taxpayer-funded kill program."
Premier Christy Clark replied that Cyrus was uninformed about the cull, which she said is necessary to protect endangered caribou.
Over the weekend, Cyrus appeared on social media, smiling and posing with locals. In one video, she says "Hello Klemtu," while seated on a boat with a young woman. Klemtu is a small community on B.C.'s central coast.
Miley is currently in British Columbia working w/ a group to help save the wild wolves! Media should see this side of her! Proud <a href="">@peta</a> <a href="">@WWF</a>
Spirit Bear Adventures, which provides wilderness tours, posted photographs of the singer on its Facebook page.
"Spirit Bear Lodge welcomes Miley Cyrus to our traditional territory to help protect wolves and bears," the post says."You rock Miley! Thanks for your support. The kids loved singing with you and showing you our bears!"
In another video posted online, the pop star is seated in a boat with about a dozen people who are singing.
The petition advocated by Cyrus was launched by advocacy group Pacific Wild. Cyrus flew to B.C. to meet with the group, but a spokesperson said it won't comment on the visit until Monday.
PICS - Miley with few Smilers! Why is she so cute 😽 <a href=""></a>