More transit to Fraser Valley a top priority for the public, says new report
Phase 1 of TransLink's Transport 2050 survey compiled responses from over 31,000 people

Metro Vancouverites want transit expanded to the Fraser Valley and are intrigued by the idea of a gondola up Burnaby Mountain.
Those are two findings in phase one of TransLink's just-released Transport 2050 public engagement survey to identify transportation priorities for the next 30 years.
The survey compiled responses from 31,700 people. The most frequently submitted idea was around increasing transit service in the Fraser Valley.
The most "liked" idea was a gondola up Burnaby Mountain, while mobility pricing was the idea that received the most comments.
People were also asked to rank their top priorities, values and concerns from a list of possibilities.
Top three priorities for Metro Vancouver's future:
- Expanding and improving the transit system.
- Increasing housing choice and affordability.
- Creating jobs, homes and services closer together.
Top three positive points about living in Metro Vancouver:
- Natural areas like parks and forests.
- The mild weather.
- Being close to family and friends.
Top three concerns about living in Metro Vancouver:
- Growing cost of renting or buying a home.
- Road congestion.
- Loss of green space.
A new round of public engagement will begin in spring 2020 when the public will be asked to weigh different packages of projects, services and policies.