Motorcyclist killed after hitting deer on Highway 1 near Kamloops
The rider fell off the motorcycle after colliding with the deer, and was then struck by one or more vehicles, RCMP say.
Rider fell off motorcycle after crash and was then struck by one or more vehicles

Officers with RCMP Traffic Services are looking for people who witnessed a fatal motorcycle collision that happened near Kamloops on Friday.
According to a written statement from police, at 9:45 p.m. Kamloops RCMP responded to reports of the incident on Highway 1, near the Lafarge exit.
A motorcycle travelling west hit a deer, causing the rider to fall off. The rider was then struck by one or more vehicles.
Police said the driver of the vehicle that struck the rider might not have realized they had done so.
Anyone who was in the area at the time, including commercial vehicles, is asked to contact RCMP Central Interior Traffic Services at 250-828-3111.