Access to Vancouver Island beach limited to prevent raucous long weekend party
The vehicle access road to Sombrio Beach has been closed every May long weekend since 2012

Vehicle access to Sombrio Beach — a popular Vancouver Island spot almost two hours from downtown Victoria by car — will be restricted over the May long weekend for the fourth year in a row to discourage partiers.
B.C. Parks representative and Andy Macdonald, the head of protected areas for the West Coast, says the beach was consistently the site of a May long weekend party that attracted up to 600 people.
Until we can determine that there's another solution that can allow vehicle access, we're going to continue with this strategy.- Andy Macdonald, BC Parks
"There were multiple issues...things like unauthorized consumption of alcohol, so a lot of drinking, drugs ... thefts, assaults. We've had drinking and driving issues related to transportation to and from park locations ... vandalism of vehicles, disturbance of other park visitors who are compliant."
Macdonald says the park's location — relatively close to Victoria, but secluded enough to escape scrutiny from authorities — made it an attractive spot for illicit parties.
So far, the joint strategy by B.C. Parks, the Conservation Officer Service and the RCMP has been successful.
Best strategy for now
As for compliant beach-goers grumbling about having to walk their camping supplies up to Sombrio Beach for the fourth year in a row, Macdonald concludes that it's the best solution they can come up with.
"It's our goal not to restrict vehicle access to Sombrio beach over the three-day period, but until we can determine that there's another solution that can allow vehicle access, we're going to continue with this strategy."
The 2.5 kilometre gravel access road to the Sombrio Beach parking lot will be closed from Friday, May 20 at 7 a.m. PT to Monday, May 23 at midnight PT.
The beach will remain open to the public during the long weekend along with all designated campsites and trails within Juan de Fuca Park.