Old people like hip hop, too
A CBC listener complains about music for 'teenyboppers', but do you have to be young to be hip?

A blast of I'll Walk Alone on CBC Radio West's afternoon radio show on Monday prompted a strong reaction from 72-year-old listener Carol Collins, from Trail, B.C.
Expecting Dinah Shore's classic 1944 hit rendition, Collins was appalled to hear a hip hop song of the same name by Winnipeg's Grand Analog pervade the airwaves.
She was moved to call in and leave a message of complaint about the "deplorable, jarring music", and questioned whether the show has a 'teenybopper' audience that needs to be catered to.
On mobile? Click here to listen to hear what Carol Collins thinks about hip-hop
But, though Collins has every right to her musical opinion, there's plenty of evidence out there to show that you don't have to be a whippersnapper to stay with it.
Take octogenarian Burt Bacharach's collaboration with Dr. Dre and Rufus Wainwright.
And then there's Tony Bennett about to tour with the Queen of Pop herself, Lady Gaga.
But, our favourite ageing hip hop-sters must be the Senior Adult Choir from the First Baptist Church in Augusta, Ga., who wade in, unafraid to belt out everything from Eminem to Outkast, to (somewhat surprisingly) the Pussycat Dolls.
What do you think? Is hip hop just for the young, or for the young at heart?
To listen to the full follow-up interview, click on the audio labelled: Why Carol Collins, 72, hates hip-hop