Pacific oysters recalled due to toxin causing paralytic shellfish poisoning
A recall has been issued for certain Pacific oysters that have been shipped across the B.C., as well as to Alberta, Quebec and possibly other destinations.
Oysters from the two companies have been distributed across B.C., Alberta, Quebec and beyond

A recall has been issued for certain Pacific oysters that have been shipped across the B.C., as well as to Alberta, Quebec and possibly other destinations.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency says the oysters may contain a marine biotoxin that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning.
Oysters raised by Albion Farms and Fisheries were sold from Oct. 9 to 16, while affected oysters from Union Bay Seafood were sold from Oct. 10 to 16.
No reported illnesses have been linked to the oysters, but paralytic shellfish poinsoning can cause severe illness or even death, and the food inspection agency says the recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the store where they were purchased.