Kelowna poetry wall at Metro Community Church shares message of hope
Residents share words of hope on the building’s back wall as a farewell

The former Metro Community Church building in Kelowna will soon be torn down to make room for a new hotel, but staff asked residents to share words of hope on the building's back wall as a farewell to an era.
The building was a safe haven for homeless people in the city and Lesley-Anne Evans, creative curator at the organization, says the wall of poetry is meant to help people heal.
"This wall is an opportunity to have some closure on what it's been and moving forward to the future in a positive way."
She says the wall is a "short-term celebration."
"I think there is something beautiful about celebrating the moment, about being present to what is happening right now and then we just carry that with us.
"Nothing lasts. Let's celebrate now and move on to what will be," said Evans.

With files from Alya Ramadan, CBC Radio's Daybreak South
To listen to the full interview, click the link labelled: Poetry wall in downtown Kelowna shares message of hope.