Police puppy naming contest for Vancouver school kids
Vancouver police invite elementary school children to name city's cutest crime fighters
Vancouver police have launched a contest for elementary school kids to name two German shepherd puppies they have dubbed, "the city's cutest crime fighters."
Over the next two weeks, the VPD is inviting school children from Kindergarten to Grade 7 to submit names for the two pups, but there is a catch.
Police say the contest requires each classroom "to work together as a team" to come up with one name.

The VPD says the names are important for providing a good foundation for the puppies who then become an important part of the police team.
This is the department's third “Name the Puppy” contest. Winning names previously selected by Vancouver school children include police dogs 'Nitro' in 1997 and 'Diesel' in 2006.
The winning classroom gets a tour of the VPD Dog Squad, a police dog demonstration and an "up-close" meeting with the puppies.
The winning name will be announced April 22.