RCMP watchdog to investigate violent takedown caught on video
Video appears to show police dog attacking suspect and police striking him

B.C.'s police watchdog will investigate a takedown in a Prince George alley that was captured on video and has raised questions about police use of force.
The incident falls outside of the IIO's mandate, since the suspect subdued in the video was not taken for medical treatment, according to RCMP, and did not appear to be seriously harmed.
However, the Independent Investigation Office says it's stepping in at the request of the RCMP to review what happened.
The IIO is required to investigate cases involving the police where people are seriously injured or killed.
But Marten Youssef, manager of strategic communications for the IIO, says this review was authorized by the director of police services.
"In this case our jurisdiction comes from the request and authorization of the director of police services," said Youssef.
The IIO will be deploying investigators to Prince George.
Youssef says their investigation will determine if any RCMP officers committed any offences. The IIO will then decide whether to clear the officers or refer the case to crown counsel for possible charges.
The review comes a month after 21-year-old Cuyler Richard Aubichon and co-accused Nathaniel Basil were pulled from an allegedly stolen truck in an early morning RCMP takedown in Prince George's inner city on February 18.
The arrest was captured by a backyard security camera.
The video appears to show a dog attack as well as officers striking the suspects after they are taken to the ground.
Josh Paterson, the executive director of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, called the video "shocking" and deeply problematic."
RCMP say physical force and a police dog were used because the men were resisting arrest.
Aubichon's lawyer is calling for criminal charges against the arresting officers.