Port Mann, Alex Fraser bridges may see lane closures due to snow on cables
Drivers say snow clearing may require closures on both bridges in coming days

Lower Mainland drivers are advised the Port Mann and Alex Fraser bridges may experience a flurry of lane closures due to winter weather.
The Ministry of Transportation said in a statement issued Thursday the closures may be required in coming days to clear snow off the bridges' cable stays.
Staff are "closely monitoring" bridge conditions, the statement said, with snow and winds in the forecast.
Drivers are advised to check DriveBC for the latest conditions.
Ice buildup on some Lower Mainland bridges has been a problem in years past.
In 2012, falling ice on the Port Mann bridge, which was less than a year old, caused injuries and damaged cars during a severe snowstorm.
That incident led to the province announcing custom-made cable sweepers to keep the cables clear of ice.
A similar situation unfolded in 2016 on the Port Mann Bridge as well as the Alex Fraser Bridge — which was closed for a time — when several drivers reported shattered windshields due to falling ice and slush.
Provincial officials said that situation was not the same as the earlier falling ice and was possibly the result of high winds.